
Monday, May 21, 2007

Who was the "hunk" Amelia dated?

"...BTW, I know that it seems weird that I am reading a blog of the SFI peeps but hey.. it brings back memories for me too... since I did "date" one of you hunks back then!" (AH, 2007 May 1, 3:51pm, "Memories....Part 2",

That statement apparently had some of us scratching our head and armpits and asking questions.

So to put the questions to rest, we hope AH could clarify the identity of the above mentioned hunk....

Is he the...

The constant rebel, or is he...

The guy who's deadly with the ladies and the accounting ledger...or could he be...

The Terminator of Taman now that he is a doctor.....don't call him Terminator in public OK?

Or could he be the closet romantic....?

P/S: Ok, I hope you'll take this as a's a Monday, hope you had a good laugh.


AaahhH said...
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AaahhH said...

buahahahaarrr! Hee hee hee.. ke ke eke...*tergolek golek on the office floor! KG- u are too farnee! *burst out in laughter again*

Gosh! I warranted a piece of work on the SFI blog... !! What an honour.

Guys.. continue to scratch those armpits.. I ain telling. Only he knows who he is.. and I wonder if he will be telling... All I can say is that... he was a good catch!! And another titbit.. he was my first date!!

rene said...

KG, these pics can sure cause a heart attack at our age... Almost died laughing...

AH, if I'm right about the suspect, I approached him & he denied it like mad... Then again, he was in front of his wife... So there's a possibility your "hunk" don't even know who he is!!!... haha... Well, do correct me if I'm wrong. Either that, the poor "hunk" must be suffering from alzheimers. Now that will make another headline, eh KG?...haha...

eric said...

KG, just who is the Mr Leonardo?

AaahhH said...

Rene- the hunk may not remember me... sob! Shows how forgettable I am in the grand scheme of things. But maybe,, just maybe I'd like to hope that it is truly better to deny than to start a fire!

rene said...

Eric, it's more like Mr LEEonardo. Don't you recognise your hunk-y self?...haha.

KG, I think Amelia missed this titanic. Don't think they even know each other then... haha.

AH, ahahaha... If my suspect's accurate, he really doesn't remember. However, if you prove it, he said he'll "kill" you so... agree with you... truly better to deny than to start a fire... or worse, bloodbath... hahahaha.

eric said...

Ok, just wana make sure. thankfully everyone else is not drunk and sober and seems to know who the suspect is. So sure lah cannot be me. some more i am way2 down the list. There is however ANOTHER suspect...should be slotted in no.3 after rambo and james bond. The guy whom everyone thinks is the goody two shoes..yah..thats what they say about Peter Parker also. Let me introduce:
Mr Silent "KG" Asassin as suspect no. 3.

rene said...

Ahahaha... KG, a silent killer... Would the visuals of Predator or a virus fit better?...ahaha... Sorry lah KG... ahaha... Fact is, you did know Amelia then lei... ahahahaha.

KG said... people comment the whole morning which I can only read via email but cannot reply cause blogger is banned in our office. Ok, here is my blow by blow reply:

- AaahhH, why lah the sudden proliferation of A's and H's in your nick-lah??? It's not good to keep us scratching our heads, OK? Receding hairline already and there you are causing us to lose more of it....armpit hair nevermindlah....

Anyway I have to confess that there was a "Deep Throat" who put me up to all I can't take the full credit for being farnee.....if you want to know who it is just ask him/her to say AaahhH and check throat depth. Please refrain from probing though.

"hunk may not remember me"- at such young age, surely cannot forget one...but probably good to just keep it as a sweet memory......otherwise kena sleep on sofa.

- Rene, wah you are very daring....confronting the said hunk. I wouldn't be too quick to accept any drinks the next time.

- LEENardo, I think AaahhH have better tastelah. Besides, like Rene alluded, the said hunk has a wife lah....that rules me out ;)

- Rene againFact is, I think I have exchanged more words with AaahhH now on the blog then when we were in school right? That goes for you too.

- Jase What you said.....wait a haven't commented yet.

rene said...

Yup, I was wondering why Jase is so quiet as well... Not forgetting the other 3 suspects...

Apparently, 007 busy screwing around with ledgers, Rambo's busy on night shift this week fighting with propellers & Terminator... um,... after reading this mail, insya-allah to his patients lah... haha.

"Deep throat", KG? Since when we had a giraffe amongst us?

Jason Leong said...

CKG, I have done some super-imposition of myself but I have a problem inserting those pictures into the SFI blog. How come I am unable to add pictures now but there isn't any problem when I inserted Spidey 3 picture.Pls advise : )

It would be great if you could replace Rose head (Jack's lover in Titanic)with Rene / Ahhh...ha ha!

KG said...

Hi Jase, sometimes you have to be patient and ensure that blogger finish uploading them...check the small window to see that the thumbnail of your photo appears before pressing DONE. And the photo would appear at the TOP of the post automatically, not bottom.

Ei, cannot simply put 2 people's head together otherwise his wife get angry lah. Don't cross that very fine line ok?

Jason Leong said...

Rene, I was quiet becoz I'm afraid that the super heroes ie Terminator, Rambo, 007 will cekik me like how you cekik Mike...ha ha!!
Btw, Chong, shouldn't Ooi suppose to be 007?? That's what we used to call him : )

Jason Leong said...

Chong, cannot leh. It doesn't even show the "Edit Html" and "Compose" header after the link box.

Anyone has any baby photo to be emailed to Chong so that he could post it into the blog for us to guess who is in the baby suit. See anyone can bingo that!!

rene said...

Jase, SW used to be tagged 001 lah. Hmm, you mean naked baby pics? I've one of amongst you but it's in PJ. Maybe you can start collecting by detaching the one in Paul's blog... haha.

Jase, what's this I hear about you not being able to make it to Mike's wed lah? *cekik you* >:[

rene said...

Oh-oh... *gulp*

Everybody... RUN!!!

eric said...

hmmm, who and what is "richard gere" ???

"Deep Throat" i get la the code name..but i wonder who put him thru this... must be some old love rival eh, Mr KG- Bee?

Anonymous said...

Wahahahahaha! Rene, I join u with one foot in our graves after reading this entry and all the comments! I am almost half dead with all the laughter.... ROFL This is indeed a very very good one! ;-P

The search for the Mr LEEnardo?? Mr Leonardo?? shall continue.... heh heh

Tong Huey

rene said...

Tong Huey! Why search for LEEonardo?... Didn't you just marry him? Your hearts will go on & on..., so to speak?

Hey Leeonardo, I'd be most obliged if you could answer my email on medical jargons. I'm drowning in dissertation liao lei.... A titanic of thanks!

KG said...

Did someone say RUN?
Stares at headlight
Squints at headlight
Shield eyes from headlight

Doktor Lee, you need to go thru the earlier blog postings to find references of "Richard Gere"...sorry can't say more...omerta

Tong Huey, want to find LEEnardo, ah? Put an old fashion table fan at full speed at the balcony, then you two stand in front of it lor..pose pose a bit...but don't jump no ocean below HDB flats one :)

AaahhH said...

You are so right... we talk more in this blog than we ever did in person. But hmmm.. I seem to remember that you were kinda quiet. But I have to admit that those who were quiet in person are lethal on paper!!

the reason with the aaa n hhh in my nick is becos a long long time ago when ayam bertelur, i wanted to have a brand of chilli sauce and whatever sauce with the brand name "AH!". Mayhaps it may happen yet... kaka!

Deep throat..
whoever you are... u know.. deep throat has kinda of a kinky meaning if you are not refering to Richard Nixon but rather Linda Lovelace..... talk about 2 very very different things!

U are one scary woman.. stop asking the man.. I may get murdered in bed and all I have is a cat to protect me!! And u knowing this cat.. he is completely useless.. he'd probably rub his body on the person's legs.

I like the joke about KG-bee... hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm .... Deep throat (cult movie) directed by Gerard Damiano & starring Harry Reems & Linda Lovelace a.k.a Linda Susan Boreman... back in 1972 .... It spawned a sequel starring the original casts but also spawned similar titled movies featuring "similar acts" .... hmmm, in fact most of those movies probably have the same script used from then until now...

Rambo a.k.a. OSW used to be called "001" akin to the thickness of a condom .....

Err... KG-Bee, don't think Sin-ka-por's HDBs are built with balconies lar .... Tong Huey & Mr. LEEnardo .... being on the balcony is fine, just don't be doing the car thingy in Sin-ka-por .. Wouldn't want to be reading about u guys in the tabloid paper, The New Paper... see u guys for dinner tomorrow.

For a moment there, i think KG-bee was 2nd & probably 3rd guessing the reason behind the aaahhh nick. I guess that goes with the rest of us here .....

If u ask me, there's 1 person that most of the guys here have not included in the list of probables ... Mr. "Yakuza" ..

And copyright rulesz on the use of my baby pixs ...

eric said...

anonymous: i second your last point there abt Mr Yakuza...BIG suspect as he was one of the largest buayas lurking around the SFI 'tin mine' next door (at that time)

KG said...

Whoa...leave for a while and you all have hit the benchmark 20 comments for an all time high.

AaahhH: "lethal on paper"? Hardly the case. Probably on the computer.

Anon/Eric: Well if you guys can come up with a picture, I can post it for you. Don't have any good ones.

Meanwhile, enjoy the new Avril Lavigne single playing below. Over and Out.

Anonymous said...

anon aka Mr Icemanpablo, our flat does have a balcony, a place that collects our dear upstair neighbours' fallen "gifts", soil, paper aeroplanes, sweet wrapper, burnt joss paper and what-nots.... So I guess Mr Leenardo and I could revoluntionalise the "lomantic" images of Jack and Rose - the new "Rubbish Dump Jack and Rose" (with the what-nots stuck on us after then wind blowing sessions) anyone? Haha... sprouting some rubbish on a sleepy Sunday morning.... yawwwwnnn....

Tong Huey

pang said...

Damn, did we have so many buayas in our midst back then? I really missed out on all this crocodile hunting in Singapore!

KG said...

Hei Pang, good to hear from you again....hahaha the buayas is in each and everyone of us. It's only some of buaya lay out in the open while others hunt beneath the calm of the river.