
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Congratulations to Patrick Ng and Ravidas

Congratulations Patrick. The article below was taken off his company's website. He would leave for the UK around September and would be there for a year (I hope I got the details right). So no more trudging around muddy and mosquitoes infested estates throughout Malaysia for the moment for Patrick - hope he gets to trudge around somewhere more pleasant in Europe.


Bristish Chevening Scholarships' Award

AAR is proud to announce that Mr. Patrick Ng (Research Officer), who joined us in 1998 has been awarded the prestigious 'British Chevening Scholarships' for year 2006 from the British Council of Malaysia ( to do his Master in Environmental Engineering in a top university in United Kingdom.

More details about the scholarship can be found at:


Our dear Ravidas who is attached to the one famous company in Malacca has also got a transfer and promotion to .......Michigan! Ms. Alice Chia would be proud that her Geography lessons on the Great Lakes would be put to use ;)

He would be flying off sometimes in July, having just recently been certified to be a non-terrorist by the US Embassy. Oh how we would miss his Mind Your Language jokes during wedding dinners.

OK, this definately gives us a good excuse to have a mini reunion before these old chaps fly across the oceans.

Comments below>>


Anonymous said...


Wow! Before I can reply to your request to announce to the whole world, I am already seeing it in places that I have not been to. Get you for this!!! :)

Just to update you, I'll be leaving for London end September and pursuing my MSc in Imperial College thanx to the British Government. Another reunion? Feed us the details.


KG said...

He he ....I take that since you don't reply, it's a yes ;)

So Patrick you have to learn to do things like blog, use VOIP, IM etc. just to keep in touch with your family back in Malaysia in the future. Would sent you an invitation to blog later.

What's the coming holidays for a reunion? Wesak weekend?